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Force Free Loose Leash Training

The Structured Walk

The Structured Walk is a powerful way for you to not only connect with your dog but an easy way for you to generate leadership.

During the walk, your dog is not allowed to pee or sniff.  His job is to be with you 100%

Start the walk by giving your dog the opportunity to pee/do his business at the beginning of the walk and at the end.

The key concept to remember is, “this is my walk.  I am giving you the privilege to walk with me.”  This is different to many people’s idea of going on a walk.  Often times, the dog walks them, not the other way around.

I only ask for a structured walk for about 15 minutes a day.


A harness is designed to enable and encourage a dog to pull.  It was devised by dog retailers to con you to spending more money on your dog.  

When you use a harness, you will have no control over your dog’s head.  The key here is, where the head goes, the rest of the body follows.

Oh My God! You Are Using a Check Chain – How Barbaric!

Before you freak out.  Please spend the time to actually watch a few of the videos below.  At no point have I ever caused the dogs any harm or pressure.

A check chain is highly effective because:

a) It constricts if a dog tries to pull away.  Sometimes a dog can get out of his harness or collar…and risk getting hit by a car.  

b) The noise the chain makes is very effective in helping to communicate to your dog that you would like him to slow down.

Why dogs pull?

Pulling. Loose Leash Walking

Demo of Redirecting the walk

Crazy 8’s Manuever

Use this technique to forcibly refocus your dog from any big distractions such as another dog, a bike, etc.   When he is very distracted and is fixated on the subject.

Do this manuever for several minutes to get him back into the program.

I tell my clients, “Be like the Old Testiment God.  There will be no other God before me.”  Your dog’s job is to focus 100% of his attention on you.



Demo 2

Demo 3