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Barking and aggressive to house guests

Does your dog bark and growl, possibly bite your guests? This can be not only annoying if your dog is constantly barking at your guest even if they settle down, but it could discourage friends and family from visiting.

In this module, I will show you how to teach your dog not to be aggressive towards your guests.

Aggression Towards Guests

The key to having a good interaction is to set up the situation.  Never do this when you have real guests come over.  Set it up.

Teach your guest to come in with a small foot print.  No touch, no talk, no eye contact.  Completely ignore the dog.  Facing AWAY FROM THE DOG.  

Have your guest keep reinforcing this principle.  “I don’t want anything from you.  I am as interesting/threatening as a piece of furniture.  I am Santa Claus.  I come bearing treats.  You have nothing to be afraid of.”

Aggression Towards Guests Demo

This is a video that has been submitted by a client.  Admittedly, she was a little heavy handed at the beginning of the video, please watch how it was done.

Previously, the dog would bark aggressuvely and try to attack the young man.

Be sure to stand IN FRONT of the dog, making sure both the dog and the guest is in your front arc.